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"I come from a humble family that has been involved in public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you to continue and improve on a legacy Gov. Sullivan Chime started. We need to create more jobs, improve our schools, our hospitals, our transportation system and make public safety, a top priority. With over a decade of government experience, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate complicated governmental agencies, and get things done."     - Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi



Every child should have the chance of being educated in a conducive learning environment. Conducive learning environments include adequate structural facilities (classrooms, libraries, restrooms, playgrounds and drinking fountains), updated learning materials, and updated curriculum. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi will improve the educational sector through improved infrastructure, adequate teaching resources and materials, and increased teacher motivation.


While Nigeria has over 60 to 90 million people available and willing to work, only about 48 million out of this number appears to be employed. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi will create more jobs through various channels. One of these, will be the introduction of Small Business Loans in Enugu State. This will create opportunity for the unemployed to utilize their education and training skills to start a business trade. Among the numerous benefits of this program- reduce crime, increase standard of living, encourage innovation, empower the unemployed, reduce unemployment etc.- will be the growth of the Enugu State's economy as a whole.


Every individual has a right to live healthy and the government, at all levels, is obligated to provide good quality healthcare amongst other social amenities to its citizenry at affordable costs and in a convenient manner. The healthcare system is expected to focus on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and ailments for all the people; and the responsibility of the government to achieve these objectives cuts across its various tiers. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi will to bring 'health' back into 'care' with improved infrastructure, medical equipment, and accountability. 


In Nigeria today as it has been for a long time now, living with waste as part of the natural environment has become a way of life. Though vastly improved from the situation of the late eighties/early nineties, it nevertheless remains a problem for Enugu State. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwanyi will to clean up Enugu State by introducing programs  beyond the existing sanitation project. Environmental pollution can among many things, negatively impact the beauty of any state, and Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi will bring back the 'shine' to Enugu State.


Housing is one of the most basic of human needs. Provision of houses through the creation of mortgages is taken for granted in developed countries; however, it remains a major challenge in developing countries, including our great state, Enugu. Hon. Ifeani Ugwuanyi will implement affordable housing projects focused on home ownership for low income families.


Energy is the backbone of any nation. The uncertainities with electricity is one of the issues Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi will address as the Governor of Enugu State. Alternative energy sources, as such solar energy, will be evaluated and incorporated into Enugu State's way of living, allowing for increased productivity of businesses and better standard of living.


Gov. Sullivan Chime has done a great job with the introduction of the Coal City Cab program where indegenes have been afforded the opportunity to own and operate a brand new vehicle for taxi services while gradually making payments towards ownership. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi plan to take this initiative further by following through and completing the 6-phase Monrail Transit system project initiated by Gov. Sullivan Chime. In all, the 117-km equivalent single line monorail system in Enugu would run from Gariki and along Agbani to Coal Camp and through the UNTH to Ogbete Market and through Zik Avenue, return to Agbani Road and closing the loop at Enugu-Umuahia Express Way, and is poised to revolutionize the way people move around the city. When all proposed phases are completed, the city of Enugu would boost to have one of the largest monorail network in the world. 


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